My neighbor's kid has just discovered himself...
Matt is a great looking heartthrob turning everyone’s head as he walks down the street and has had no problem attracting girlfriends. In the last couple of years I’ve seen Matt with at least 7 or 8 different girls.
What’s driven me crazy is having Matt live next door and I was further exasperated when Matt asked me if he could do my lawns and general yard trimming to earn some extra money. He was doing a fantastic job but just about 6 months back when I needed more extensive yard-work Matt admitted he could not find enough time to do it. Just watching him shirtless working in the yard was more than anyone should endure and would drive me up the wall.
Matt would still drop by and ask if he could take a dip in my pool, which might have had an alternative motive, even back a year ago. Over this last weekend Matt came over and asked if he could discuss a sensitive subject he didn’t feel comfortable discussing with his parents. Sure, I said. We sat in the yard each having some cookies and milk trying to put us both at ease; as I had some special insight as to what Matt wanted to discuss. Matt had never discussed any personal aspects of his life before so I figured this had to be serious or at the very least important.
Matt had a difficult time getting started, but when he realized I would not be judgmental he spilled the beans. I think I like guys, Matt stammered. Showing no emotions on my behalf he asked, aren’t you surprised? It was tough skirting around the truth that I had been observing him for as long as I had known him and thought he might be gay. Then we discussed the age thing and I made it very clear that by virtue of him only being 17 which he had just turned this month, there could be no intimate relationship between us but we could still remain friends. I could see the expression on his face there was some disappointment in what I had just said. Matt went on to say he was fearing ridicule if his friends found out but I assured him if they had not already done so there was no reason for them to do so now unless he suddenly changed his persona and to just keep his cool.
All this time Matt is playing footsie under the table with me. I assured Matt that if he continued to act as he always has, his friends and family will be no wiser as to his recent discovery, and it would be wiser at this point in time not to announce he has come out. I told Matt there is plenty of time for that after a year or two when he has reached a legal age here in California. I also discussed the dangers of contracting diseases if he becomes sexually active and does not use proper protection. This of course led the way or opened the discussion to intimacy which I also discouraged not wanting to open the door to a subject that might get us both in trouble.
I asked Matt when he had actually made the discovery that he was different from other guys, and/or decided he was gay. I got the old historical reply that he had known since he was somewhere around 11 years old and that he got an erection in the school locker-room every time he would observe the other guys naked in the showers. He was pretty sure a lot of the other guys as well had the same feelings, but were uncomfortable in discussing their feelings openly.
I expressed my overwhelming pride and reliance Matt has in his earnest trust confiding in me and gave him a great big hug as he was about to return home. I also extended the invitation to confide in me if there was anything else troubling him that he felt uncomfortable discussing with his parents.

What’s driven me crazy is having Matt live next door and I was further exasperated when Matt asked me if he could do my lawns and general yard trimming to earn some extra money. He was doing a fantastic job but just about 6 months back when I needed more extensive yard-work Matt admitted he could not find enough time to do it. Just watching him shirtless working in the yard was more than anyone should endure and would drive me up the wall.
Matt would still drop by and ask if he could take a dip in my pool, which might have had an alternative motive, even back a year ago. Over this last weekend Matt came over and asked if he could discuss a sensitive subject he didn’t feel comfortable discussing with his parents. Sure, I said. We sat in the yard each having some cookies and milk trying to put us both at ease; as I had some special insight as to what Matt wanted to discuss. Matt had never discussed any personal aspects of his life before so I figured this had to be serious or at the very least important.
Matt had a difficult time getting started, but when he realized I would not be judgmental he spilled the beans. I think I like guys, Matt stammered. Showing no emotions on my behalf he asked, aren’t you surprised? It was tough skirting around the truth that I had been observing him for as long as I had known him and thought he might be gay. Then we discussed the age thing and I made it very clear that by virtue of him only being 17 which he had just turned this month, there could be no intimate relationship between us but we could still remain friends. I could see the expression on his face there was some disappointment in what I had just said. Matt went on to say he was fearing ridicule if his friends found out but I assured him if they had not already done so there was no reason for them to do so now unless he suddenly changed his persona and to just keep his cool.
All this time Matt is playing footsie under the table with me. I assured Matt that if he continued to act as he always has, his friends and family will be no wiser as to his recent discovery, and it would be wiser at this point in time not to announce he has come out. I told Matt there is plenty of time for that after a year or two when he has reached a legal age here in California. I also discussed the dangers of contracting diseases if he becomes sexually active and does not use proper protection. This of course led the way or opened the discussion to intimacy which I also discouraged not wanting to open the door to a subject that might get us both in trouble.
I asked Matt when he had actually made the discovery that he was different from other guys, and/or decided he was gay. I got the old historical reply that he had known since he was somewhere around 11 years old and that he got an erection in the school locker-room every time he would observe the other guys naked in the showers. He was pretty sure a lot of the other guys as well had the same feelings, but were uncomfortable in discussing their feelings openly.
I expressed my overwhelming pride and reliance Matt has in his earnest trust confiding in me and gave him a great big hug as he was about to return home. I also extended the invitation to confide in me if there was anything else troubling him that he felt uncomfortable discussing with his parents.